Common Pipeline Practices

The following are practices that we see a lot of people use in their pipelines. These are by no means "Best" practices, they are simply common and may or may not work for you and your team.

Parallelizing Get Steps in Jobs

All jobs usually have get steps as their first set of steps.

- name: awesome-job
  - get: cool-code
  - get: funny-binary
  - get: the-weather
  - task: business-stuff

To reduce the waiting time to the length of the longest running get step, put all get steps under an in_parallel step.

- name: awesome-job
  - in_parallel:
    - get: cool-code
    - get: funny-binary
    - get: the-weather
  - task: business-stuff

Specify Inputs for Put Steps

By default put step's have all artifacts from a job mounted in their resource container. This can result in long initialization times for put steps. It's likely that a put step only needs a subset of all available artifacts generated throughout the job.

There are two ways to specify which artifacts to send to a put step. You can specify detect as the put step inputs or you can pass in an exact list of all artifacts the put step needs.

Using detect:

- name: the-job
  plan: # Get some artifacts
  - in_parallel:
    - get: apples
    - get: apple-basket
    - get: monkeys
  # using detect will result in "apples-location" and "basket" being passed in
  # "monkeys" will not be passed in
  - put: apples-in-basket
    inputs: detect
      apples-location: apples/location # matches the first get step
      basket: apple-basket # matches the second get step

Specifying the exact inputs needed for the put step:

- name: the-job
  plan: # Get some artifacts
  - in_parallel:
    - get: apples
    - get: apple-basket
    - get: monkeys
  - put: apples-in-basket
    inputs: [apples, apple-basket] # specify the exact inputs needed
      apples-location: apples/location
      basket: apple-basket

Putting Task Configs in Files

A lot of the pipeline examples that you will find on this site and in resource repos will embed a task step config directly in the pipeline. This is a nice way of clearly seeing what inputs/outputs the task uses. Tasks are usually designed to be used in multiple places, maybe with slightly different configuration. To support this scenario, most users store task configs in files instead of embedding the config directly in the pipeline.

Here's what this looks like in practice:

print-date.yml, stored in some git repo under a folder named "tasks"
platform: linux

image_resource: # define a default image for the task to use
  type: registry-image
    repository: busybox

  path: date
  args: ["+%Y-%m-%d"]

Using the task in a pipeline:

- name: ci
  type: git
    uri: https://github.com/concourse/examples.git

- name: the-best-job
  - get: ci
  - task: today
    file: ci/tasks/print-date.yml

Get Images for Tasks Instead of using Anonymous Image Resources

It is easy to let Concourse fetch images for tasks right when they are needed by using the task-config.image_resource field in a task config. It's the easy out-of-the-box solution. Another way is to pass the image for a task as an input to the job by setting the task step image field. This also allows you to track the version of the image being used by the task and also avoid getting rate-limited by configuring the resource with credentials.

Before - Anonymous Image Fetching for Tasks

- name: job
  - task: simple-task
      platform: linux
      image_resource: # anonymous image resource
        type: registry-image
          repository: busybox
        path: echo
        args: ["Hello world!"]

After - Passing Task Image as Job Inputs

- name: busybox
  type: registry-image
    repository: busybox
    username: ((docker.user))
    password: ((docker.password))

- name: job
  - get: busybox # pass image into job
  - task: simple-task
    image: busybox # use image for task. Overrides anonymous image
      platform: linux
        path: echo
        args: ["Hello world!"]