1.7 Vars

Concourse supports value substitution in YAML configuration by way of ((vars)).

Automation entails the use of all kinds of credentials. It's important to keep these values separate from the rest of your configuration by using vars instead of hardcoding values. This allows your configuration to be placed under source control and allows credentials to be tucked safely away into a secure credential manager like Vault instead of the Concourse database.

Aside from credentials, vars may also be used for generic parameterization of pipeline configuration templates, allowing a single pipeline config file to be configured multiple times with different parameters - e.g. ((branch_name)).

((var)) syntax

The full syntax for vars is ((source-name:secret-path.secret-field)).

The optional source-name identifies the var source from which the value will be read. If omitted (along with the : delimiter), the cluster-wide credential manager will be used, or the value may be provided statically. The special name . refers to the local var source, while any other name refers to a var source.

The required secret-path identifies the location of the credential. The interpretation of this value depends on the var source type. For example, with Vault this may be a path like path/to/cred. For the Kubernetes secret manager this may just be the name of a secret. For credential managers which support path-based lookup, a secret-path without a leading / may be queried relative to a predefined set of path prefixes. This is how the Vault credential manager currently works; foo will be queried under /concourse/(team name)/(pipeline name)/foo.

The optional secret-field specifies a field on the fetched secret to read. If omitted, the credential manager may choose to read a 'default field' from the fetched credential if the field exists. For example, the Vault credential manager will return the value of the value field if present. This is useful for simple single-value credentials where typing ((foo.value)) would feel verbose.

The secret-path and secret-field may be surrounded by double quotes "..." if they contain special characters like . and :. For instance, ((source:"my.secret"."field:1")) will set the secret-path to my.secret and the secret-field to field:1.

The "." var source

The special var source name . refers to a "local var source."

The precise scope for these "local vars" depends on where they're being used. Currently the only mechanism that uses the local var source is the load_var step, which sets a var in a local var source provided to all steps executed in the build.


Values for vars are substituted structurally. That is, if you have foo: ((bar)), whatever value ((bar)) resolves to will become the value of the foo field in the object. This can be a value of any type and structure: a boolean, a simple string, a multiline credential like a certificate, or a complicated data structure like an array of objects.

This differs from text-based substitution in that it's impossible for a value to result in broken YAML syntax, and it relieves the template author from having to worry about things like whitespace alignment.

When a ((var)) appears adjacent to additional string content, e.g. foo: hello-((bar))-goodbye, its value will be concatenated with the surrounding content. If the ((var)) resolves to a non-string value, an error will be raised.

If you are using the YAML operator for merging <<, you will need to wrap it in double quotes like so "<<": ((foobars)), to avoid a cryptic error message such as "error: yaml: map merge requires map or sequence of maps as the value". This will allow you to merge in values from various vars. See YAML merge specification for more information on how this normally works.

Static vars

Var values may also be specified statically using the set_pipeline step and task step.

When running the fly CLI equivalent commands (fly set-pipeline and fly execute), var values may be provided using the following flags:

  • -v or --var NAME=VALUE sets the string VALUE as the value for the var NAME.

  • -y or --yaml-var NAME=VALUE parses VALUE as YAML and sets it as the value for the var NAME.

  • -i or --instance-var NAME=VALUE parses VALUE as YAML and sets it as the value for the instance var NAME. See Grouping Pipelines to learn more about instance vars.

  • -l or --load-vars-from FILE loads FILE, a YAML document containing mapping var names to values, and sets them all.

When used in combination with -l, the -y and -v flags take precedence. This way a vars file may be re-used, overriding individual values by hand.

Let's say we have a task config like so:

platform: linux

  type: registry-image
    repository: golang
    tag: ((tag))

- name: booklit

  path: booklit/ci/unit

We could use vars to run this task against different versions of Go:

- name: unit
  - get: booklit
    trigger: true
  - task: unit-1.13
    file: booklit/ci/unit.yml
    vars: {tag: 1.13}
  - task: unit-1.8
    file: booklit/ci/unit.yml
    vars: {tag: 1.8}

With a pipeline template like so:

- name: booklit
  type: booklit
    uri: https://github.com/concourse/booklit
    branch: ((branch))
    private_key: (("github.com".private_key))

- name: unit
  - get: booklit
    trigger: ((trigger))
  - task: unit
    file: booklit/ci/unit.yml

Let's say we have a private key in a file called private_key.

The fly validate-pipeline command may be used to test how interpolation is applied, by passing the --output flag.

$ fly validate-pipeline \
  -c pipeline.yml \
  -y trigger=true \
  -v \"github.com\".private_key="$(cat private_key)" \
  -v branch=master \

The above incantation should print the following:

- name: unit
  - get: booklit
    trigger: true
  - file: booklit/ci/unit.yml
    task: unit
- name: booklit
  type: booklit
    branch: master
    private_key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      # ... snipped ...
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    uri: https://github.com/concourse/booklit

Note that we had to use -y so that the trigger: true ends up with a boolean value instead of the string "true".

With a pipeline template like so:

- name: booklit
  type: booklit
    uri: https://github.com/concourse/booklit
    branch: ((branch))
    private_key: (("github.com".private_key))

- name: unit
  - get: booklit
    trigger: ((trigger))
  - task: unit
    file: booklit/ci/unit.yml

Let's say I've put the private_key var in a file called vars.yml, since it's quite large and hard to pass through flags:

  private_key: |
    # ... snipped ...
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

The fly validate-pipeline command may be used to test how interpolation is applied, by passing the --output flag.

$ fly validate-pipeline \
  -c pipeline.yml \
  -l vars.yml \
  -y trigger=true \
  -v branch=master \

The above incantation should print the following:

- name: unit
  - get: booklit
    trigger: true
  - task: unit
    file: booklit/ci/unit.yml
- name: booklit
  type: booklit
    branch: master
    private_key: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      # ... snipped ...
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    uri: https://github.com/concourse/booklit

Note that we had to use -y so that the trigger: true ends up with a boolean value instead of the string "true".

Dynamic vars

Concourse can read values from "var sources" - typically credential managers like Vault - at runtime. This keeps them out of your configuration and prevents sensitive values from being stored in your database. Values will be read from the var source and optionally cached to reduce load on the var source.

The following attributes can be parameterized through a var source:

Concourse will fetch values for vars as late as possible - i.e. when a step using them is about to execute. This allows the credentials to have limited lifetime and rapid rotation policies.

Across Step & Dynamic Vars

For the across more fields can be dynamically interpolated during runtime:

Var sources (experimental)

var_sources was introduced in Concourse v5.8.0. It is considered an experimental feature until its associated RFC is resolved.

Var sources can be configured for a pipeline via pipeline.var_sources.

Each var source has a name which is then referenced as the source-name in var syntax, e.g. ((my-vault:test-user.username)) to fetch the test-user var from the my-vault var source. See ((var)) syntax for a detailed explanation of this syntax.

Currently, only these types are supported:

In the future we want to make use of something like the Prototypes (RFC #37) so that third-party credential managers can be used just like resource types.

var_source schema

The name of the ((var)) source. This should be short and simple. This name will be referenced ((var)) syntax throughout the config.

one of...

The vault type supports configuring a Vault server as a ((var)) source.

Configuration for the Vault server has the following schema:

vault_config schema

The URL of the Vault API.

The PEM encoded contents of a CA certificate to use when connecting to the API.

Default /concourse. A prefix under which to look for all credential values.

See Changing the path prefix for more information.

Default ["/{{.Team}}/{{.Pipeline}}/{{.Secret}}", "/{{.Team}}/{{.Secret}}"].

A list of path templates to be expanded in a team and pipeline context subject to the path_prefix and namespace.

See Changing the path templates for more information.

An additional path under which credentials will be looked up.

See Configuring a shared path for more information.

A Vault namespace to operate under.

A PEM encoded client certificate, for use with TLS based auth.

See Using the cert auth backend for more information.

A PEM encoded client key, for use with TLS based auth.

See Using the cert auth backend for more information.

The expected name of the server when connecting through TLS.

Skip TLS validation. Not recommended. Don't do it. No really, don't.

Authenticate via a periodic client token.

See Using a periodic token for more information.

Authenticate using an auth backend, e.g. cert or approle.

See Using the approle auth backend or Using the cert auth backend for more information.

A key-value map of parameters to pass during authentication.

See Using the approle auth backend for more information.

Maximum duration to elapse before forcing the client to log in again.

When failing to authenticate, give up after this amount of time.

When retrying during authentication, start with this retry interval. The interval will increase exponentially until auth_retry_max is reached.

The SSM type supports configuring an AWS Secrets Manager in a single region as a ((var)) source.

ssm_config schema

The AWS region to read secrets from.

The dummy type supports configuring a static map of vars to values.

This is really only useful if you have no better alternative for credential management but still have sensitive values that you would like to redact them from build output.

dummy_config schema

A mapping of var name to var value.

The cluster-wide credential manager

Concourse can be configured with a single cluster-wide credential manager, which acts as a source for any vars which do not specify a source name.

See Credential Management for more information.

In the future we would like to introduce support for multiple cluster-wide var sources, configured using the var_source schema schema, and begin deprecating the cluster-wide credential manager.


Dummy Vars

Here's a copy-pasteable example using the dummy var source, just to demonstrate named ((var)) syntax:

- name: dumb
  type: dummy
      simple: hello!
        username: big
        password: sekrit

- name: print-creds
  - task: print
      platform: linux

        type: registry-image
        source: {repository: ubuntu}

        path: bash
        - -c
        - |
          echo simple: ((dumb:simple))
          echo username: ((dumb:user.username))
          echo password: ((dumb:user.password))

The print-creds job above will print the following:

simple: hello!
username: big
password: sekrit

With credential redaction enabled, the output above will actually print the following:

simple: ((redacted))
username: ((redacted))
password: ((redacted))

The dummy var source type is, well, pretty dumb. It just provides whatever vars you tell it to. It primarily exists for testing purposes, and is useful as a stand-in in place of a real credential manager where you can at least have the credentials redacted from build output.

In production, you'll probably want to use something like vault instead.