1.15.6 Open Policy Agent Integration

The Open Policy Agent (OPA, pronounced “oh-pa”) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack.

OPA allows you to create arbitrary rules within Concourse without having to add a new feature to Concourse. You could even recreate Concourse's RBAC system using OPA.

More likely use-cases are to enforce rules your organization may have, such as not using certain container images or disallowing the use of privileged workloads. With OPA you can be as general or fine-grained as you want, enforcing these rules at the team or pipeline level.

The next few sections explain how to configure Concourse to talk to an OPA server and how to write OPA rules for Concourse.

Configuring Concourse

There are four configuration options you need to set on the concourse web nodes to have them interact with OPA.

  • CONCOURSE_OPA_URL: The OPA policy check endpoint. Should point to a specific package/rule that contains all Concourse rules for your cluster.

    Example: http://opa-endpoint.com/v1/data/concourse/decision

  • CONCOURSE_POLICY_CHECK_FILTER_HTTP_METHOD: API http methods to go through policy check. You will need to make sure these match up with an API action in the next two configuration options.

    Example: PUT,POST

  • CONCOURSE_POLICY_CHECK_FILTER_ACTION: Actions in this list will go through policy check.

    Example: ListWorkers,ListContainers

  • CONCOURSE_POLICY_CHECK_FILTER_ACTION_SKIP: Actions in this list will not go through policy check

    Example: PausePipeline,UnpausePipeline

For the last three configuration options you can refer to the this list of routes for a list of API actions and their respective HTTP method. There are also some Special Actions not directly in the API.

Writing OPA Rules

On the OPA server you'll need to create a package and policy for Concourse. This should match up with the endpoint provided to Concourse. The OPA documentation has a good guide explaining how to generally write OPA rules and setup an OPA server.

For any actions that Concourse has been configured to filter it will send a JSON request to the OPA server with the following details. Top-level data directly under the input key will be present for most actions. The information under the data key will differ based on the action being checked.

This sample JSON payload is what OPA is sent when a user sets a pipeline. The data key contains the pipeline in JSON format.

  "input": {
    "service": "concourse",
    "cluster_name": "dev",
    "cluster_version": "7.4.0",
    "http_method": "PUT",
    "action": "SaveConfig",
    "user": "test",
    "team": "main",
    "pipeline": "check-pipeline",
    "data": {
      "jobs": [
          "name": "test",
          "plan": [
              "get": "tiny"
              "config": {
                "image_resource": {
                  "source": {
                    "repository": "busybox"
                  "type": "registry-image"
                "platform": "linux",
                "run": {
                  "args": [
                    "echo hello"
                  "path": "sh"
              "task": "a-task" }
] } ] } } }

An OPA rule can respond to Concourse with three fields:

  • allowed (required): Boolean type. Setting to False will deny the action unless the block field is False.

  • block (optional): Boolean type. If set to False and allowed is True this creates a soft-policy enforcement. The action will be allowed and the reasons will still be printed to the web UI like a warning message.

    Not setting block is the same as setting "block": true.

  • reasons (optional): List of string type. If an action is denied based on the allowed field then the reason(s) will be displayed in the UI.

Here is an example OPA policy. By default it will allow whatever action it has been sent. It will deny the action if one or more of the three deny rules are true.

package concourse

default decision = {"allowed": true}

decision = {"allowed": false, "reasons": reasons} {
  count(deny) > 0
  reasons := deny

deny["cannot use docker-image types"] {
  input.action == "UseImage"
  input.data.image_type == "docker-image"

deny["cannot run privileged tasks"] {
  input.action == "SaveConfig"

deny["cannot use privileged resource types"] {
  input.action == "SaveConfig"

Special Actions

Most of the actions you can filter for come directly from the list of API actions. There are currently two special actions you can also filter on.


Before Concourse starts a container you can check what image it is going to use to create the container. Depending on the image_type the image_source field may contain other fields. The JSON payload for this action will look similar to the following example:

  "input": {
    "service": "concourse",
    "cluster_name": "dev",
    "cluster_version": "7.4.0",
    "action": "UseImage",
    "team": "main",
    "pipeline": "simple",
    "data": {
      "image_type": "registry-image",
      "privileged": true,
      "image_source": {
        "repository": "alpine",
        "tag": "latest"


This action occurs whenever a set_pipeline step is run. The JSON payload for this action will contain the pipeline config in JSON format under the data key:

  "input": {
    "service": "concourse",
    "cluster_name": "dev",
    "cluster_version": "7.4.0",
    "action": "SetPipeline",
    "team": "main",
    "pipeline": "simple",
    "data": {
      "jobs": [
          "name": "test",
          "plan": [
              "get": "tiny"
              "config": {
                "image_resource": {
                  "source": {
                    "repository": "busybox"
                  "type": "registry-image"
                "platform": "linux",
                "run": {
                  "args": [
                    "echo hello"
                  "path": "sh"
              "task": "a-task" }
] } ] } } }