1.6.1 Setting Pipelines

Pipelines are configured entirely via the fly CLI. There is no GUI.

fly set-pipeline

To submit a pipeline configuration to Concourse from a file on your local disk you can use the -c or --config flag, like so:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config pipeline.yml

This will present a diff of the changes and ask you to confirm the changes. If you accept then Concourse's pipeline configuration will switch to the pipeline definition in the YAML file specified.

The -c or --config flag can also take in the value - to indicate reading from stdin:

$ cat pipeline.yml | fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config -

Note that reading from stdin disables the confirmation prompt - the pipeline will be set automatically.

Providing static values for vars

The pipeline configuration can contain Vars which may be replaced with static values or loaded at runtime. This allows for credentials to be extracted from a pipeline config, making it safe to check in to a public repository or pass around.

For example, if you have a pipeline.yml as follows:

- name: private-repo
  type: git
    uri: git@...
    branch: master
    private_key: ((private-repo-key))

...you could then configure this pipeline like so:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config pipeline.yml \
    --var "private-repo-key=$(cat id_rsa)"

Or, if you had a vars.yml as follows:

private-repo-key: |

...you could configure it like so:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config pipeline.yml \
    --load-vars-from vars.yml

You can use nested fields in your pipeline.yml as follows:

- name: private-repo
  type: git
    uri: git@((repo.uri))
    branch: ((repo.branch))
    private_key: (("github.com".private-repo-key))

...you could configure it by --load-vars-from with a vars.yml as follows:

  uri: github.com/...
  branch: master
  private-repo-key: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

...or you could also configure it by passing the vars as flags:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config pipeline.yml \
    --var "repo.uri=github.com" \
    --var "repo.branch=master" \
    --var "\"github.com\".private-repo-key=$(cat id_rsa)"

When configuring a pipeline, any vars not provided statically will be left to resolve at runtime. To check that all vars are resolveable, you can pass the --check-creds flag:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline my-pipeline \
    --config pipeline.yml \
    --load-vars-from vars.yml \

This will fill in all statically-provided vars and then attempt to resolve all remanining vars server-side. If any fail to resolve, configuring the pipeline will fail.

fly validate-pipeline

To validate a local pipeline configuration without submitting it to Concourse, run validate-pipeline:

$ fly validate-pipeline --config pipeline.yml

By default, pipeline errors will cause validate-pipeline to fail, but warnings won't. To fail on both errors and warnings, pass the `--strict` flag.

fly format-pipeline

To format a pipeline config in a "canonical" form (i.e. keys are in normal order, with name first for example), run:

$ fly format-pipeline --config pipeline.yml

This will print the formatted pipeline config to stdout. To update the file in-place, pass --write/-w.