1.6.3 Grouping Pipelines

Instanced Pipelines/Instance Groups are currently experimental, and are subject to change.

To experiment with Instanced Pipelines on your deployment, you need to set the feature flag --enable-pipeline-instances (CONCOURSE_ENABLE_PIPELINE_INSTANCES=true)

Although pipelines operate independently of one another, it's not uncommon to have several pipelines that are highly related, and possibly derived from the same pipeline template. It's useful to be able to group these pipelines to reduce clutter and improve navigation. For this, Concourse has the concept of Instanced Pipelines and Instance Groups, where an Instance Group composes several related Instanced Pipelines.

For instance, suppose you support multiple version lines of your software (v1.0.x and v2.0.x, say), and want a pipeline for each version line in order to facilitate delivering patch releases. You create a common pipeline template that uses Vars to specialize each pipeline:

- name: repo
  type: git
    uri: git@...
    # The only difference between the pipelines is the git branch to use
    branch: release/v((version))

- name: test
  plan: [...]

- name: deploy-to-staging
  plan: [...]

- name: release
  plan: [...]

Before Concourse v7.0.0, you might set multiple pipelines with the version information encoded in the pipeline name, e.g.:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline release-1.0.x \
    --config template.yml \
    --var version=1.0.x
$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline release-2.0.x \
    --config template.yml \
    --var version=2.0.x

The downside to this approach is that things can get disorganized quickly as the number of pipelines increases, which can make the UI cluttered and hard to navigate. Additionally, not everything can easily be encoded into the pipeline name, especially with the restrictions on identifiers - while it's readable in this case, it can get unwieldy as the number of variables in the template grows.

The recommended approach is to construct an Instance Group where each version has its own Instanced Pipeline:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline release \
    --config template.yml \
    --instance-var version=1.0.x
$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline release \
    --config template.yml \
    --instance-var version=2.0.x

There are only a few differences from the previous approach in terms of creating the pipelines:

  1. We give each Instanced Pipeline the same name (in this case, release), and

  2. We use the --instance-var flag instead of --var. Doing so makes the variable name and value a part of the pipeline's identifier (Managing Instanced Pipelines describes how to work with Instanced Pipelines in fly)

The -i or --instance-var flag behaves like the -y or --yaml-var, meaning instance vars can hold arbitrary YAML/JSON data. The v or --var flag, on the other hand, only defines strings. See Static vars to learn the difference between the flags

Note that there are no fly commands for constructing an Instance Group - Concourse logically groups all Instanced Pipelines with the same name into a single Instance Group. Instanced Pipelines have the same pipeline semantics as other pipelines - they are just organized and identified in a different way.

Managing Instanced Pipelines

Instanced Pipelines can be managed via fly as described in Managing Pipelines, with one important distinction - since instance vars are a part of the pipeline's identifier, the --pipeline flag must include both the name of the Instance Group as well as the instance vars. The --pipeline flag takes the form:

--pipeline group/var1:value1,var2:value2

As a concrete example, to pause the release Instanced Pipeline with version:1.0.x, you would issue the following command:

$ fly -t example pause-pipeline --pipeline release/version:1.0.x

Let's look at a more complicated example - suppose you have an Instanced Pipeline that was set using one of the following commands:

$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline upgrade \
    --config template.yml \
    --instance-var version.from=1.0.0 \
    --instance-var version.to=2.0.0 \
    --instance-var branch=feature/foo
# ...or equivalently
$ fly -t example set-pipeline \
    --pipeline upgrade \
    --config template.yml \
    --instance-var 'version={from: 1.0.0, to: 2.0.0}' \
    --instance-var branch=feature/foo

Using dot-notation here (as in the first command) is recommended since YAML is finicky about spaces.

For instance, had we used --instance-var 'version={from:1.0.0, to:2.0.0}' (no spaces between keys and values), we would end up with the following object (represented as JSON):

{"from:1.0.0": null, "to:2.0.0": null}

Specifying each field individually using dot-notation is harder to mess up.

Here, there are two instance vars: version, that contains the object {"from": "1.0.0", "to": "2.0.0"}, and branch, that contains the string "feature/foo". In order to pause this pipeline, you could issue one of the following commands:

$ fly -t example pause-pipeline \
    --pipeline 'upgrade/version.from:1.0.0,version.to:2.0.0,branch:"feature/foo"'
# ... or equivalently
$ fly -t example pause-pipeline \
    --pipeline 'upgrade/version:{from: 1.0.0, to: 2.0.0},branch:"feature/foo"'
For accessing sub-fields of an object, we can either use dot-notation as described in Providing static values for vars, or we can define the object in full as valid YAML.

If the instance var name or value contains a "special character" (., ,, /, {, }, or whitespace), it must be surrounded by double quotes ". Depending on your shell, this usually means the entire flag must be quoted, since otherwise your shell will try to expand the quotes.

fly order-instanced-pipelines

To configure the ordering of instanced pipelines within an individual instance group, run:

$ fly -t example order-instanced-pipelines \
    --group group \
    --pipeline key1:value1 \
    --pipeline key2:value2 \
    --pipeline key3:value3

Note that this command only ensures that the given pipelines are in the given order. If there are other pipelines that you haven't included in the command, they may appear in-between, before, or after the given set.

If you want to reorder pipelines outside of an individual instance group, you should use the fly order-pipelines command.

Managing Jobs and Resources

Managing Jobs and Managing Resources walk you through some of the commands you can use to manage jobs and resources within pipelines. For Instanced Pipelines, we need to encode the instance vars in the --job and --resource flags. These flags now take the form:

--job group/var1:value1,var2:value2/job


--resource group/var1:value1,var2:value2/resource

For instance, to trigger the test job of release/version:1.0.x, we issue the following command:

$ fly -t example trigger-job --job release/version:1.0.x/test

To check the repo resource of release/version:1.0.x, we issue the following command:

$ fly -t example check-resource --resource release/version:1.0.x/repo