1.1.2 Hello World Pipeline

Creating a Pipeline

Let's start where all tutorials start, with a Hello World! example!

In this section you're going to create a pipeline that simply prints Hello world! to the console. While building up the pipeline we will pause to explain the core pieces of the pipeline.

Let's first answer: what is a pipeline made up from?

The simplest Concourse pipeline is made of two objects:

  • An unordered list of Jobs which contains...

  • An ordered list of Steps

If you've used other pipeline building tools in the past, then what you think of as a pipeline is probably most similar to a job in Concourse.

For our Hello World! pipeline we will need one job with one step. This is the smallest pipeline you can make in Concourse. The single step is what will print Hello World! to the console.

Create and open a new file called hello-world.yml. Inside that file let's add the first top-level key, jobs.


The jobs key is where we define the list of jobs that should make up our pipeline. The order of the jobs does not matter. The order of jobs does not define the structure of the pipeline. We'll get into pipeline structure and job ordering later when we talk about Resources and passed constraints.

Add a job

We only need one job right now so let's add a single job named hello-world-job.

- name: hello-world-job

Awesome, we have a job named hello-world! Now we need to add a step to our job. To define a list of steps a job should execute, we need to add the plan key to our job.

- name: hello-world-job

Add a step

Unlike jobs, the order of steps does matter! Concourse will run the steps in the order that they are listed. Let's carefully place a task step as the first (and only) step in our job.

- name: hello-world-job
  - task: hello-world-task

Fantastic! Now we need to tell Concourse how to run our task step. We do that by providing a task config.

- name: hello-world-job
  - task: hello-world-task

At this point we are going to pause to explain steps a bit more.

What is a step?

A step is a single container running on a Concourse worker. Each step in a job plan runs in its own container. You can run anything you want inside the container (i.e. run my tests, run this bash script, build this image, etc.).

So if you have a job with five steps Concourse will create five containers, one for each step. Therefore, we need to tell Concourse the following about each step:

  • What type of worker to run the task on (linux/windows/darwin)

  • What container image to use (Linux only)

  • What command to run inside the container

Concourse currently only supports Linux containers. Concourse does not yet run Windows containers. Darwin does not have native containers.

Fill in the Task Config

Let's answer the previous three questions for our hello-world-task:

  • What type of worker to run the task on (linux/windows/darwin)

    Linux, because our docker-composed Concourse only has one linux worker. You can verify this by running fly -t tutorial workers

  • What container image to use (Linux only)

    We'll use the super small busybox image

  • What command to run inside the container

    echo "Hello world!"

You can view the task documentation to see all configurable options for tasks. For now, you can add the following task config to the step.

- name: hello-world-job
  - task: hello-world-task
      # Tells Concourse which type of worker this task should run on
      platform: linux
      # This is one way of telling Concourse which container image to use for a
      # task. We'll explain this more when talking about resources
        type: registry-image
          repository: busybox # images are pulled from docker hub by default
      # The command Concourse will run inside the container
      # echo "Hello world!"
        path: echo
        args: ["Hello world!"]

Run the pipeline

That's the whole pipeline! You can now set it, unpause, and trigger it using the fly cli. You can then view it from the web ui.

$ fly -t tutorial set-pipeline -p hello-world -c hello-world.yml
# pipelines are paused when first created
$ fly -t tutorial unpause-pipeline -p hello-world
# trigger the job and watch it run to completion
$ fly -t tutorial trigger-job --job hello-world/hello-world-job --watch

You'll see extra output than what we're showing below (the busybox image being downloaded) but the last four lines will be the task executing.

selected worker: 701785fa43a1
running echo Hello world!
Hello world!

The following is an iframe to http://localhost:8080/teams/main/pipelines/hello-world

Congratulations on building your first Concourse pipeline!

In the next section we will build upon what we have learned about tasks and introduce inputs and outputs, which allow you to pass files between tasks.

If you have any feedback for this tutorial please share it in this GitHub discussion