Generic OIDC auth

A Concourse server can authenticate against any valid OIDC auth provider. This provider is similar to Generic oAuth except it only requires an issuer URL rather than auth/token/userinfo URLs.


First you'll need to create a client with your oAuth provider.

The callback URL must be the URL of your Concourse server with /sky/issuer/callback appended. This address must be reachable by your OIDC provider - it can't be localhost.

For example, Concourse's own CI server's callback URL would be:


A typical web node env config may look something like this:


Consult concourse web --help for a full list of flags with descriptions.

A note about user lookup

When determining the user identity, Concourse will first look at the preferred_username claim. If this claim is empty or missing, it will then look at the claim specified by CONCOURSE_OIDC_USER_NAME_KEY (which defaults to username).

Let's say that you want to tie each user to their email by using CONCOURSE_OIDC_USER_NAME_KEY=email.

If your OIDC provider returns the following claims, Concourse will still resolve the user to Jane Doe:

 "sub": "248289761001",
 "username": "j.doe",
 "preferred_username": "Jane Doe",
 "email": "janedoe@example.com",

However, if the preferred_username claim is empty or missing, Concourse will respect the key and resolve the user to janedoe@example.com:

 "sub": "248289761001",
 "username": "j.doe",
 "preferred_username": "",
 "email": "janedoe@example.com",


When authorizing individual users, it's up to you to ensure that the preferred_username claim and/or the claim specified by CONCOURSE_OIDC_USER_NAME_KEY is unique. If they're not, then it's possible for users to impersonate each other

OIDC users and groups can be authorized for a team by passing the following flags to fly set-team:


Authorize an individual user.


Authorize anyone from the group.

You may only configure groups if the auth provider exposes this information in either the token itself, or in the contents of the userinfo endpoint.

You can configure which claim points to the groups information by specifying CONCOURSE_OIDC_GROUPS_KEY on the web node.

For example:

$ fly set-team -n my-team \
    --oidc-user my-username \
    --oidc-group my-group

...or via --config for setting user roles:

- name: member
    users: ["my-username"]
    groups: ["my-groups"]

Configuring main Team Authorization

OIDC users and groups can be added to the main team authorization config by setting the following env on the web node:


Multiple users and groups may be specified by comma-separating them.